To understand how to create CSV files to load names and descriptions of the collection items, it is advisable to see, first of all, the article How to create CSV files to load the attributes of the collection ítems?, since there is detailed information on how the CSV files should be and how to group the information in column A (through the TEXTJOIN function).
Well, as you can see in the following image, to create the CSV file to load names and descriptions, we must put the serial number of each item.
As you can see in the following image, if we wanted to name all the items in the collection, we could do the same as seen in items #1, #2, #3, #9 and #10.
In the CSV made for this tutorial, we have decided to also include the name of the collection in this field. Therefore, we have put "Collection for tutorial NEW", followed by the serial number of the item, and then the specific name that the item will have.
Also, these items may have a description that can be added in the column for this purpose.
As seen in this example, you may not want to name all the items in the collection, but only some of them. This can be done in a very simple way: simply, as shown in the CSV image previously shown, leave the cells of the names and descriptions blank for those serial numbers, i.e. without information (as you can see, for example, in serial numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 11 there is no information).
Well, once we have completed all the data for the entire series, we will proceed to CONCATENATE this information so that it is grouped in column A and separated by commas (if necessary, see in more detail the use of the TEXTJOIN (CONCATENATE) function in How to create CSV files for loading the attributes of the items in the collection?).
This way you will see the information concatenated and separated by commas in column A:
Next, we proceed to save the file as CSV (comma delimited):
Before loading the file to Tokenizzer, we open the file as Notepad to check the comma delimitation:
We then proceed to load the CSV file (if necessary, see How to load the names and descriptions of the items in the collection?).
Once they are loaded, we can see in the Tokenizzer how the names and descriptions appear in those items to which we have loaded such information.
For example, items #2 and #10 were given names and descriptions. Indeed, this is how they appear:
Since we have only given names to items #1, #2, #3, #9 and #10, most of the items are unnamed. Two of them without names are shown below:
That's it! These are the steps to create a CSV file that allows you to add names and descriptions to all or some items in the collection. However, another possible style for defining names and descriptions to the items in the collection is discussed below.
Another style to define the names and descriptions of the items in the collection:
Next, we show you another example of how the names of the items could be loaded, so that, at the moment of creating your collection, you know that this other possibility exists and you can choose the form that seems more propitious to you.
This other form is the one chosen, for example, for the SPOZZies collection (the SPOZZ collection).
According to this form, all the items in the collection have a description, with some items having a general description and others having a specific description.
Regarding the general description, as you can see in the following image, several of the items share the description: "Native of the planet SPOZZ - Belonging to the Genesis Era".
Note that you cannot use commas or periods in the middle of the description, because this would affect the CSV file (remember that commas are used to separate the information contained in different cells). However, it is possible to use the "-" symbol to separate, as has been done in this case. It is possible to close the description with a period at the end.
For those items that were given a specific name, in "name", the name was followed by the respective serial number. For example: "The Captain #1". That is to say, here we have not put "SPOZZIes #1 The Captain", which would be the same as mentioned in the first part of this tutorial.
Meanwhile, to the items that have been given a general description, in "name", we have put "SPOZZie" followed by the respective serial number of each one.
Thus, in this tutorial, we have seen two different ways in which you can organize the names and descriptions of your items. Each creator must choose the way he/she considers more convenient or think of a different way. What you should keep in mind is that, in all cases, the information must be concatenated in column A before uploading the CSV file to Tokenizzer and that the information must be separated by commas.