Step 1: Sign Up
Start your simplified registration using the following link:
Click on "Sign-up now!" and complete the following fields:
Here, you'll need to set your artist name and username, which will also serve as your subdomain. (It doesn’t have to be your real name.) Your username must be unique, as it defines the specific web address for your artist page.
We recommend choosing a username related to your artist name since it will determine the subdomain of your page.
You’ll also need to create a password that meets the platform's requirements. Make sure to read and accept the terms and conditions before proceeding.
Once ready, click "Continue", and you'll receive a confirmation email with a code to verify your account.
Step 2: Verify Your Identity
After confirming your registration, log into your account and go to "User Settings":
Within "Settings", go to the "Personal Verification" tab. Here, you'll need to enter your real information. These details won’t be visible to the public but are required to verify your identity so you can launch, sell, and monetize your content.
You’ll need to upload:
- A valid ID
- A document proving your place of residence
Once you submit this information, the platform will notify you that it needs to be reviewed:
Once your information is verified, you’ll receive the blue check on your profile, as shown in the following example:
Step 3: Complete Your Profile
Still in "Settings", go to the "Profile" tab to upload your profile picture, banner, and biography.
And that’s it! You’ve learned how to complete the quick registration and identity verification process to get your blue check.
Good luck and welcome to SPOZZ!