Before and during the whitelisting period, we can modify or delete the referral codes for the delivery of whitelists.
To do this, click on REFERRAL CODES on the creators' page.
By doing so, the window will be displayed in which we can see the referral codes that we had previously created (if necessary, see How to create referral codes for the delivery of whitelists in the collection?).
As you can see in the previous image, there is an option to delete the generated codes. To do so, simply click on DELETE.
For this tutorial, we click to delete the code that we had last generated. When you click, the following window appears in which you must confirm:
After clicking Delete, the platform will delete that referral link and give the following notices in the center of the page and in the top right margin, respectively:
As you can see in the following image, that code has already been deleted:
Meanwhile, creators also have the option to edit the private links, to modify the number of wallets that can be attached to it.
To do so, simply click on EDIT. By doing so, the possibility of modifying the number of wallets supported with a referral code will be enabled.
In fact, for example, where "10" used to appear, we can change the number to 15.
Subsequently, by clicking on UPDATE, creators will receive the following notice in the upper right margin:
That's all! As you can see in the following image, the number of wallets that can join through this private link has been modified.