The process of creating Batches in the Tokenizzer starts when creating the collection (if necessary, see How to start creating a collection in the Tokenizzer?).
In the first instance, click CREATE:
Then, the following page appears where you must connect your wallet and fill in all the fields. Among them, in relation to your desire to create a collection with batches, you must pay attention to the Total Supply field, since there you must put the total number of items that your collection will have considering all the batches that you will make in the future, since you will not be able to modify this total amount later.
For this tutorial, we select a Total Supply of 100 (the maximum allowed by Tokenizzer is 10 thousand items):
Well, after clicking NEXT, the following page appears, where we will create Batch #1.
There, you must upload the images that the first Batch will have. This means that if the first Batch will be of 10 items, you must load 10 images. As the 10 images are less than the Total Supply determined in the previous step, the Tokenizzer will automatically understand that you are creating a Batch and not the entire collection.
So, for the tutorial we select the following 10 images:
After a few seconds, the images will be added:

Afterwards, you must proceed to load the attributes. For this case, it is exactly the same as indicated for the images: your CSV file must have a metadata that corresponds to 10 items (if necessary, see How to create CSV files to load attributes and names to the items of the collection?).
Subsequently, you can give names and descriptions to some or all of the items in this Batch#1 with another CSV file (if necessary, see How to create CSV files to load names and descriptions for the collection items?).
Then click on DONE.
After that, you will see that the collection (and this Batch #1) appears in DRAFTS, because it is not yet published.
To publish, click on the down arrow and select Publish.
Of course, you will have all the options to define the pre-sale, main-sale, private-sale... (if necessary, see How to set up the collection minting stages in the Tokenizzer?).
As you can see, once the collection is published, it will already appear that the Total Supply is 100 NFTs and Batch #1 has 10 items according to the quantities defined for this tutorial.
That's it! The whitelist, pre-sale and main-sale generation process is exactly the same as indicated for collections launched in a single instance, i.e. without different batches.
Once Batch #1 has been mined completely, you can move on to the creation of a second batch, third batch and so on until the collection is minted completely (see How to create the second, third and subsequent batches within the collection?).