To release music on SPOZZ, you need to complete two steps:
- Create a collection.
- Create your releases within that collection.
Below is a step-by-step guide.
1. Creating Your Collection
A collection is like a box where you can release songs, digital art, books, animations (depending on the category of the collection you create).
These collections are created securely using blockchain technology, which makes it easy to prove that the creators of the releases are legitimate. This technology helps eliminate counterfeit copies of music or art in the digital age.
Additionally, this technology allows you to sell your music, art, or books worldwide instantly and with very low transaction costs.
For musicians, it would be useful to create a music collection where they can group all their songs. They could even create multiple music collections to differentiate by genre, but at first, it might be best to create a single general collection that represents all their music.
Now, let's go through the process of creating your first collection on SPOZZ.
How to Create Collections on SPOZZ
Go to "Create" → "Collections/Albums"
Then, you will need to complete the following images and fields:
- Upload a cover image and banner to represent this collection.
- Define the category of your collection (e.g., "Music").
- Name your collection (e.g., "All My Music").
- Set a Symbol, a short code (up to six characters, letters, and numbers only) that will be used for all items in this collection.
- Write a description. If your collection includes various genres, keep it broad. Otherwise, you can make it more specific.
- Select the blockchain:
- For this tutorial, we choose Polygon, as it has low fees for creating collections and future transactions.
Once all fields are completed, proceed to create the contract. Creating a blockchain contract has a cost, but SPOZZ allows you to avoid this cost if you choose Polygon.
By clicking "Let SPOZZ advance the gas fees", SPOZZ covers the cost, allowing new artists to create their first contract without needing funds in their wallet.
If you don't activate this option (only available for your first contract), after clicking "Create contract", you must confirm and pay with your wallet.
After confirmation, SPOZZ will notify you when the contract is created. Then, you will be redirected to your profile, where you can see the new collection under the "My Albums" tab.
Creating Collections for Audiobooks, Photography, Art, Animation...
The process is the same, but you must select the corresponding category.
You can only create releases for categories in which you have already created a collection.
For example, once you create an Audiobooks collection, you will be able to release audiobooks, while categories without a collection will remain inactive.
Great! Now you know how to create collections for music, art, photography, and more on SPOZZ. Let's move on to creating releases within those collections.
2. How to Create Music, Art, and Book Releases on SPOZZ
Once your collection is created, go to "Create" → "Drops/Initial Content Sales"
Then, select the category for your release. In this tutorial, we can only create releases for Music or Audiobooks, as we previously created collections in those categories.
The release process is similar for all categories, but certain metadata varies.
The creation process has three stages:
Step 1 - Basic Information
- Upload the audio file (for music).
- Add cover art.
- Define the song name.
- Write a description.
- Assign the release to a collection.
- Set exclusive content (e.g., a private video for fans or restricted book content).
Click to continue.
Step 2 – Technical Information
Choose a license type:
- "Music Lover" → Personal use. Buyers can stream the song on SPOZZ.
- "Super Fan" → Buyers can stream the song and receive a share of streaming revenue.
See more details about topic here.
Define the release model:
- Limited copies (e.g., 10 million copies).
- Time-limited sale (until a specific date).
Set the price and currency.
Income Split:
- Artists can automatically distribute earnings among collaborators, managers, and investors.
- The percentage is set permanently and cannot be changed later.
See more details here.
- Creators set a resale royalty percentage (up to 10%).
- The percentage is locked forever.
Click to continue.
Step 3 – Additional Data
- Add metadata (e.g., ISRC code, lyrics).
- Add tags, genre, language.
- Choose if the release should be available on the streaming app.
- Set a release date if desired.
After clicking continue, the drop will be created and available for followers to buy copies.
Your created drops will appear in your profile under "My Drops" and on the SPOZZ Marketplace and streaming app.